
Showing posts from July, 2018

Working mom guilt

For the past 4-5 years, my family and I have been attending church regularly. We've connected with people in small groups and built lots of friendships during this time. My family has seen quite a bit of change within the last couple of years. I went from being a stay-at-home mom, to working full time. It was a difficult transition for me since I really felt like my kids needed me at home with them, but financially it made sense for me to go back to work. I found a job that I liked, but it didn't pay very much. Within a short three month period, I received a call from a previous job, asking if I would be willing to come back. It was almost double what I was making at the time, and didn't require me to work weekends like my current job! I was so thrilled, because I knew that was from God! An unsolicited job offer doesn't happen like that very often, and I truly believe that was all God! I immediately thanked Him out loud while I was in my car. It was an amazing feel...


Compromising was a new concept for me at that time. LOL! I've always been hard-headed and don't like to lose. But when my b/f, Craig asked me for the 100th time if we could try going back to his old church, I finally gave in.  I was nervous and worried that we would be judged for not being married and for us both being divorced. He and his ex-wife attended that church with their kids for a few years, and I definitely felt uneasy as the "new girlfriend" even though we had been together for a few years already. At that point, I still refused to get re-married due to my past marriage and the problems Craig and I had been dealing with. He, on the other hand, still hoped that one day I'd change my mind. The first day of attending his old church, I was nervous and uncomfortable. The music was loud and different from what I was used to at the little church I had been attending. There were a lot more people, and the church itself was bigger too. I felt like a small fi...

Finding God and resisting the devil

After living a life void of any sort of relationship with God, we started attending a small church in our town. As previously mentioned, I started volunteering and pouring myself into the church.  At this time, I was learning what it was to be a follower of Christ and I certainly didn't know that there was an actual ENEMY! I learned that very quickly though. As I got more involved in the church, I started having really horrible nightmares of hell and the devil. These were reoccurring, vivid dreams. They were the scariest dreams I've ever had. I'd wake up crying and shaking every night. It was brutal and made me not want to even go to sleep. After several nights of these dreams, I started to pray to God that He would help me to stop having them. And even though I was praying, they kept happening. It was terrifying. After weeks of having these nightmares, I mentioned it to my pastor. He told me that the devil was trying to intimidate me because I was moving towards ...

Journey of life, love, and faith: the beginning.

Hello, My name is Rachel, I am a wife and mother of 4(blended family).  I wanted to share my testimony of how I found God, and the amazing goodness I have experienced since then...because it really is worth sharing! To give you a little backstory, I did not grow up in church nor did I ever have anyone really talk to me about God as I was growing up.  I never knew anything was missing until my late twenties! It was in my early twenties when I met and married my 1st husband and had my 2 daughters. My marriage was a very unhealthy one full of deceit and constant unfaithfulness on his part. We were only married for 4 years, but that was enough to convince me that I never wanted to remarry. After my divorce, I tried to distract myself with partying and shallow attempts at love. In the midst of this, I met my current husband. He was divorced like me and understood my situation/past. Long story short, we moved in together in Dec. 2010. Our relationship was exciting and pa...