Journey of life, love, and faith: the beginning.


My name is Rachel, I am a wife and mother of 4(blended family). 
I wanted to share my testimony of how I found God, and the amazing goodness I have experienced since then...because it really is worth sharing!

To give you a little backstory, I did not grow up in church nor did I ever have anyone really talk to me about God as I was growing up. 
I never knew anything was missing until my late twenties! It was in my early twenties when I met and married my 1st husband and had my 2 daughters. My marriage was a very unhealthy one full of deceit and constant unfaithfulness on his part. We were only married for 4 years, but that was enough to convince me that I never wanted to remarry. After my divorce, I tried to distract myself with partying and shallow attempts at love. In the midst of this, I met my current husband. He was divorced like me and understood my situation/past. Long story short, we moved in together in Dec. 2010. Our relationship was exciting and passionate, but sometimes volatile. We couldn't agree on much, and I still refused to get married again. I figured "until we fix our issues, I don't want to". We really didn't see how bad our relationship was getting until years later when things came to a complete halt. Our passion had turned into destruction, verbal attacks, and just plain ugliness! We didn't want to give up, but we knew we couldn't go on like this anymore. 

After the worst fight,we woke up to talk and both agreed that we needed to start going to church. He had gone to church on and off throughout his life, so he was a little more familiar with it than I was. The church he had attended with his 1st wife and children was one that he loved. He wanted to go back to that church, but I was weary since I didn't want people to judge me for being the "new g/f". So we started attending a small church down the road from our house. It was a good place for me at the time, but he was not being fed spiritually there. Nonetheless, I started volunteering and attending every week, twice a week. Our life wasn't perfect, but it was starting to get better by leaps and bounds! 
