He called me by name!

I've always naturally been the type of person to try to adapt and not stress about my situation. I try to "roll with the punches" and not complain about what's going wrong in my life. Of course, I have my rough days when I stress about bills and schedules like everyone else, but I try not to let it become a habit. I knew that I wanted to be at home with my kids, but I didn't let it take over my thoughts and emotions. I also knew that I needed to work and help my family financially, so I tried to make the best of it and split my time up as best as possible.

A few months ago, our church was having a ladies event with a guest speaker (Renay West). It was the day before my husband's birthday and I wasn't sure if I was going to attend, but then I got asked to volunteer, so I said yes. I have trouble saying no sometimes. lol 
I joked with my husband and said "Well, I guess God made the decision for me."

It was a great evening! The speaker delivered a great message. It was everything I needed to hear at that moment. Worship was amazing and I was really happy I was there that night. Towards the end of Renay's message, the volunteers were going to take up an offering for her and her ministries. As I stood towards the back of the sanctuary with my bucket in hand, Renay speaks into the microphone "Is there a Rachel here?". I thought "Surely it's another Rachel", so I didn't raise my hand. There were at least 100 women there, so I definitely didn't think I'd be the only Rachel there! She said it again "Rachel? Is there a Rachel here?". At that moment, my friends were looking at me with wide eyes motioning me to raise my hand. I finally raised my hand, she called me up to the front of the sanctuary and said God had given her a message for me! Her words: "God wants me to tell you that He hears your prayers! He is there with you, catching your tears! And I'm getting the # 7, which signifies a season of rest/completion. Whatever struggle you're going through right now, it's almost over!". 

I was immediately moved to tears...actually a sobbing mess. lol It was the most amazing feeling to have my whole church family praying and crying with me! Plus my best friend and her daughter were there to witness that special moment. It felt like I was on a "God-high"...something I had never felt before! But to be completely honest, I didn't really feel like I had a struggle (goes back to me trying to be the optimist all the time). But still, it was so energizing reassuring to hear those words! My faith was pushed to a higher level, a place I had never been to but I knew I wanted to keep going!!

I may not have known what struggle God was talking about, but I'd soon realize that it was my internal struggle of not being home with my babies and feeling that guilt of having to be away from my family. 
