Dream Interpretation: The Positive Message I Got From a Nightmare
Throughout my entire life, I've always had vivid dreams. I usually enjoy waking up and remembering what I dreamt about unless I've had a nightmare. Nightmares are one way I've been attacked by the enemy. When I first became a Christian, I was plagued with the same recurring nightmare of me going to hell or of my children being attacked or harmed by demons. It was the scariest thing and I hated going to sleep. And although I would pray right before bed, I would continue having the same dream! I learned later, thanks to my pastor, that I was being attacked. But as I've gotten older and grown in my faith, I've been able to recognize these attacks quicker. A few weeks ago, I woke up from a nightmare where I was actually alert and knew what was going on! This dream felt almost like a test. I can remember thinking in my dream "This is not real!" and calling on Jesus! I also proclaimed the power of the Holy Spirit to all the bad things in my dream...