Dream Interpretation: The Positive Message I Got From a Nightmare

Throughout my entire life, I've always had vivid dreams. I usually enjoy waking up and remembering what I dreamt about unless I've had a nightmare. Nightmares are one way I've been attacked by the enemy. 

When I first became a Christian, I was plagued with the same recurring nightmare of me going to hell or of my children being attacked or harmed by demons. It was the scariest thing and I hated going to sleep. And although I would pray right before bed, I would continue having the same dream! I learned later, thanks to my pastor, that I was being attacked. But as I've gotten older and grown in my faith, I've been able to recognize these attacks quicker. 

A few weeks ago, I woke up from a nightmare where I was actually alert and knew what was going on! This dream felt almost like a test. I can remember thinking in my dream "This is not real!" and calling on Jesus! I also proclaimed the power of the Holy Spirit to all the bad things in my dream. I was so bold in rebuking those evil things, and I woke up feeling empowered and so thankful that God gave me the courage to stand in His truth...even if it was a dream! 

💤 My dream started off with me seeing my grandmother (a woman that I love and miss wholeheartedly!) who passed several years ago. She was sick, laying in a bed. When I saw her, I knew she was not alive anymore, but I told her how much I'd missed her and how much I loved her. She said she loved me too but then started blaming me for her death and saying other hurtful things (something my real grandma would NEVER ever say). 
It was at that moment, I knew it was a demon disguised as someone very dear to me! As I revealed that I knew the trick it was trying to pull, its face became angry and distorted. 

The second "test" in my dream was an argument with a woman that I didn't know. She was very angry with me for some reason. She falsely accused me of things and yelled obscenities at me. I remember thinking to myself "I'm going to punch her!". I was so angry, but out of nowhere, I felt the Lord nudging me to forgive her and be loving. It was like a switch was flipped, and suddenly I didn't feel angry anymore!

The last thing I remember about that dream was that during the previous part, there was a "man" trying to comfort me. I couldn't see his face, but he was dressed nicely...in a suit. It wasn't a big part of my dream at that point until I realized that it wasn't my husband. I felt so uncomfortable, and I knew then that the devil was trying to "entice" me. Again, I rebuked the trick of the enemy, in Jesus' name. I was almost angry about such deceitfulness, but at the same time, I felt so powerful (not my power, but His)! Having the power of the Holy Spirit is such an amazing feeling!

The scripture that came to mind when I awoke was 
Proverbs 4:23Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it. 

I know that my dream was probably meant to scare or intimidate me, but God turned it into a lesson. I was reassured in such a real way that no matter what the enemy's plan of attack is, it won't compare to the power and love of God! We have a heavenly Father that ALWAYS looks out for us! If we connect with Him daily, I truly believe that we are able to recognize the devil's schemes even more! 

Friends, I hope you'll be encouraged to stand firm in your faith! He is our rock!

